BrickHeadz Mech

Home | All posts | 09.10.2024 19:16 | 841 views | 1 comment

Hello everyone,

about six years ago, on a whim, I built a “LEGO BrickHeadz Mech” based on the monochrome white Brickhead from the LEGO set “Go Brick Me” 41597. I thought the result was quite fun and made a short video of it, which was quite well received. Now I decided to take it up again and create a post here on my website, including instructions.

At first glance, the model looks like any other Brickhead.
Unassuming BrickheadUnassuming Brickhead from the front

However, small functions are hidden inside. One of which are movable arms.
Arms moved outwards
For this purpose, movable bars with clips are built into the body, to which the arms are attached via bars with round plates. This creates two points of rotation, which gives the arm quite a bit of freedom of movement in one direction.
Mechanism in the body

But the head is the main function. Here you can fold out the face to reveal a minifigure.
Opened headSide view opened
Here you can see the interior, dressed in tan, without a minifigure. The hinge is based on the same parts as the function of the arms.
Interior without figure


The basic concept can of course also be applied to other Brickheadz. Here I have rebuilt my SigFig as an example.
SigFig Brickhead next to minifigureSigFig Brickhead

Here again with the functions shown:
SigFig Brickhead with raised armsSigFig Brickhead with open head


If you want to build the project, you can find the instructions and files here.

- Instructions
- PDF Instructions
- Studio File
- Parts list as CSV
- Parts list as XML


Aboba: Yo bro I want this to be a real set!

31.10.2024 18:05


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